Monday, January 18, 2010

Back at It

So, for dinner last night I ended up eating a baby spinach salad with feta, olives and balsamic vinaigrette dressing, a roll, and a big bowl of butternut squash soup.

I had a huge scare last night-- one of the condiments suggested for the soup in the cookbook was toasted coconut. Instead of toasting it in the oven, I put it in the toaster oven at 350, and set the timer for 10 minutes. I went about getting a few more things ready for dinner, and then as soon as I remembered the coconut I started to smell something burning-- the coconut had caught ON FIRE! I only had about a tablespoon of coconut on the baking tray, but the flames were pretty large. I didn't panic, since the blaze seemed confined to the toaster oven. I was afraid if I used the fire extinguisher, the force would knock the toaster oven to the ground and scatter the fire. I finally threw some water onto the baking pan which extinguished the fire-WHEW! Needless to say, I have learned my lesson about leaving things unattended in the toaster oven! After I managed to get the smoke alarms to stop screaming, I sat down my nice, healthy meal.

Dessert was a mini tootsie roll pop, an orange, and a cup of tea with agave nectar.

This morning, Kobe and I were back to our usual walking routine. I followed that up with a Firm strength video for upper and lower body (I'll do the abs segment tomorrow). Breakfast was oatmeal with a scoop of Better 'n Peanut Butter and a banana. For lunch, I ate my leftover baked sweet potato with black beans and avocado, and a few raisins for dessert.

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