Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Day Behind

The weather here has been GORGEOUS the last couple of days! Kobe and I have spending some quality time outside.

Okay, two days worth of posting in one. Last night I was busy with work, and went over to a friend's house to watch New Moon. The Twilight books are much better than the movies (although I thought the writing was bad in the books, though the stories were excellent).

At any rate, yesterday started by snacking on a banana, walking with Kobe, a run, and cinnamon apple oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter.

Lunch was bean soup with a salad, and I ate leftovers stir fry with noodles and an orange. I snacked on some trail mix while we watched the movie. Snacks included some almonds, craisins, and another orange.

Today began like every other weekday: a walk with the dog. Wednesday is cleaning day, so I swept, vacuumed, mopped, and tidied up the house before eating breakfast. Breakfast was oatmeal with the chocolate flavor of Better N' Peanut Butter. Strangely enough, the chocolate flavor doesn't taste very much like chocolate, so I'm not sure I'd by this kind again-I think I'll stick with the original.I also had a cup of tea and a banana.

Lunch was leftover stir fry, an orange, and a salad. This afternoon's snacks included an apple, a small pack of pretzels, almonds, and craisins. For dinner, I ate a salad and a big bowl of pasta.

Spaghetti really hit the spot tonight!

I'm off to watch last night's episode of Lost on Hulu-- I don't know what took me so long to check out Hulu, but I'm really glad I did!

My dessert tonight will be an orange, probably a tootsie roll pop, and a cup of tea. Hopefully I'll have some time to read a chapter or two from Twenty Chickens for a Saddle.

It's a memoir of a woman who grew up in southern Africa. It's a great book for busy people-it's really a collection of stories from her childhood, so there's no complex plot line to follow.

Good night!

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