This Super Bowl Sunday ended up being super busy. Since I was up until midnight on Saturday, Kobe took the day off from walking (okay, so I wanted the day off), so he got to run around the yard this morning. Then, I made a trip to Wal-Mart and came home to eat breakfast. My breakfast was blue: I mixed frozen blueberries in with my oats as they boiled, and then added some honey. And don't forget the banana!
After breakfast, I cooked a batch of tomato sauce, washed a couple of loads of laundry, and did week 4 of Couch to 5K. I've been awfully anxious the past couple of days (this time of the year at work is stressful), but I felt SOOO much better after working out. Then I did a yoga sequence.
Lunch was more chicken and lentils (and there's still more left in the freezer) and a baked potato. The oranges I got at the store last week were so good, I had one after lunch. After washing a sink-ful of dishes, I baked some special treats: valentine cookies for my hubby, blondies for the Super Bowl get together, and pizza crusts for dinner. And gosh darn it if some of those chocolate chips and some of the batter didn't find their way into my mouth.Next came more work: DISHES!
Finally, I hopped in the shower about 3 p.m., made the bed, got ready, let Kobe out in the yard, put the laundry away, snacked on a salad, and headed over to a friend's house to watch the Super Bowl.I had a beer during the first half of the game before heading home to post a story about baseball.
Dinner was a couple of slices of pizza with bell pepper, parmesan, and feta cheeses. Dessert was (another) orange and half of a rocky road cookie.
Hopefully I'll get the baseball story soon so I can post it. It's an "early" bed time tonight: 10:30 p.m.
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