Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today was unseasonably warm, which meant not bundling up like an eskimo this morning, which meant Kobe and I finished our walk a good 5 minutes ahead of time, which meant I got finished with my weight workout early, which meant I could get lunch cooking in the crock pot.

After getting the ingredients going for Quick Mediterranean Soup, I cooked some Better 'N Peanut Butter and raisin oatmeal. Oats on the stove are so easy. For a single serving batch of oats, just bring 1 cup of water to a boil and add:

1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
Pinch of salt
Raisins (as many as you want)

Knock the heat down to low and simmer the oats for about 5 minutes. Remove and stir in a tablespoon of BNPB.

I also had a banana with breakfast (as usual).

My soup was bubbling away when I got home for lunch, and since I'm low on salad, I just ate a big bowl of soup with a few craisins for dessert.

My afternoon snack was an orange, a few wasabi/soy sauce almonds, and a pickle. Dinner was the same as last night (black beans and a sweet potato).

Today's workout was the morning walk with Kobe and the express version of the Firm's Time Crunch workout.

I'm off to post volleyball results.

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