A cold is coming on... I can feel it... Slightly achy joints and a stuffed up nose. (Fortunately, I've had both of my flu shots so at least I know I won't get terribly sick). Not even my lunch of my favorite salad (spinach with craisins, feta, and glazed walnut) and a half of a Better 'N Peanut Butter and blackberry jam sandwich could raise my spirits today.
I finally got a decent night's sleep last night, except for the fact that my alarm went off way too early this morning.After I drank some water and ate a banana, Kobe and I headed out. After Kobe went through his daily beautification process, I still had time to get in another workout. I was planning on running this today, but my right knee is bugging me. According to one of our athletic trainers, its probably my Iliotibial band, so I went ahead and ordered a knee brace. Since running wasn't going to happen (and I was feeling worn out) I did a two-mile indoor walk DVD.
Breakfast was two scrambled eggs and a slice of toast with blackberry preserves. I have a meeting at 12:30 today, so I didn't have time to go home for lunch (poor pup, he'll be alone all day). My afternoon snack will be a Jonagold apple.
Dinner plans tonight include spaghetti and a salad. I need all the vitamins I can get!
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