Thursday, June 3, 2010

Technology Hiatus

Still no internet on my computer yet (I'm borrowing my hubby's work computer to post this) and we still don't have satellite, so we're getting a whole five channels, and of those three are PBS stations. Needless to say, I've had to find other ways to occupy myself since there's not much to do other than stare out the window at a lake ;-).

So far this week I've gotten my car insurance, license, and registration all taken care of. I was very excited to see my lettuce sprouting out of its pot today (still no photos since my laptop is offline).

Kobe and I have been for a couple of long walks in the park, and I'm currently reading two books: The Hunger Games and The Man Who Loved Books Too Much. Both are excellent reads.  Additionally, I've started a Lord of the Rings marathon (I love sci-fi/fantasy movies) which I should be able to finish by next week. I'm watching an hour here and there since they're such long films.

I'm off to get caught up with Google Reader. Hopefully I'll have pictures tomorrow!

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